If I had to pick just 5 things I wish for our sons, as they grow, I would include these…
We, as parents, want the best for our children. We try so hard to give them what they need in life, even if it isn’t what they want. We try to teach them right from wrong, so they will one day make those decisions on their own. We try to lead them down the right path, so one day, when they come to a fork in the road, they will know which way they need to walk.
We want them to be successful, to be loved, to have it all.
Most of all, I want our kids to have these 5 things:
1) I wish they will find someone that makes them truly Happy
I want my boys to spend their life with someone that they love. To find someone that loves them back. To find someone with similar qualities to their mom (my wife), Becky… someone nurturing, loving, caring, understanding, and compassionate. I want them to find that person for them, as I have been blessed to have found for me.
I want them to have a strong marriage and a strong spouse that will love them no matter what.
I want them to find someone that works hard in life. Someone that is makes the partnership “equal.” A partner who is not afraid to speak their mind, but does it in a respectful way. I want them to find a partner that ultimately makes them happy, makes them smile, makes them laugh and loves them for who they are.
2) I wish my boys will always have great teachers and coaches
I want them to be successful in everything that they put their minds to. This starts with the trust we put in those around them.
I want them to have the best teachers, in school, sports and life. Teachers and Coaches that are not afraid to push them above their normal limits. I want them to surround themselves with people that are passionate about learning.
Passionate about seeing the younger generation do great things. I wish for these teachers and coaches to never get frustrated when times get tough. I want them to know that they are doing a great job, even if they do not hear it!
Without these teachers and coaches... we as parents could not do it on our own.
3) I wish my boys will have a strong faith
This is a big thing I know I want from my boys. It was at our church dance, in middle school, where my wife, Becky, and I first met! It is important to us that our kids grow up in a church that surrounds them and supports them.
I want my boys to love the Lord, but to respect religion in all aspects and realms (even other religions. We tell them that being a Christian is about being kind to others – no matter what religion they are, among other things).
I want them to know it is ok to have questions, as it is a way to make their faith stronger. I hope when they are old enough, they will ask me questions about my faith and my opinions. I wish they will always have a strong community of faith that accepts them and loves them and will be there with open doors to accept them back if they go astray.
4) I wish they will be successful and happy in their career choices
Until recently I wondered if this was possible for me until I started working at home with my wife, Becky! It was a change, for sure, but it has been the best decision for me and my family.
A great example of someone that loves their job is my brother: I could tell everyone “He really LOVES his job!” This is what I want for my boys. I want them to be confident in their job choices, and for me to be patient and understanding while they are in the process of these decisions.
I wish, in the years to come, that my wife and I will be strong role models for them to know that working hard pays off and you can be happy in your job.
We want them to understand that you must work hard for what you want in life and don’t let anyone tell you “you can’t do that!” or “Why would you ever WANT to do that!”
I wish my boys success in all that they do, but not at the cost of others. I want them to be respectful of everyone that they come in contact with. To make real friends in life and not to just to be another “contact.”
As my dad always said, “Never forget where you came from!” A home where you were loved and treated with respect.
5) I wish, for them, that I will continue to strive to be a better father every day.
I hope I will be understanding of them for when they lose their keys in the Wal-mart parking lot, as my wife did tonight. Instead of getting mad (or irritated) or yelling at them (“how could you lose them?!)… that instead, I would stop and ask “Are you OK? ” or “Do you need me to come help?”
I wish that I could be the type of father that always strives to “not sweat the small things!” I try, and though it is hard, I am getting there, one day at a time (with my wife’s daily reminders!)
I hope to always remember that these things that I “think” are important aren’t really the things that are important. As my wife reminds me: ‘Being 5 minutes late is ok if your family is happy when you arrive (instead of stressed because you were upset about being late).”
I wish they did not have to grow up so fast. I wish I could get time back when our first son still wanted me to push him on the swings. I wish that I could understand that when I say “Hey guys- be serious!” and they laugh and laugh… that I would laugh with them instead of getting upset.
I wish they would have met their Great Grand-Father (a military vet… a coal miner… a good strong male role model). I wish that I always have father-son moments with my dad and my father-in-law and turn around to share in those moments with my boys, as I try to do on a daily basis.
And for one of those examples… here is where I told our kids “Ok- be serious and smile nicely for the picture”. You can see where that got us:
If we can’t laugh at these moments, what can we laugh at?
Everyday… I will always wish that they know how much I LOVE them and they can ALWAYS count on me!
Philip says
Great post! Especially number three. Our our children need a Christian worldview to guide them after they are no longer under our covering.