Every year, Becky and I put together a list of 50 stocking stuffers for kids. We actually try and stock up on these items all year round. Whenever we see something that they might like or need we try to grab it as a stocking stuffer and we store them away. Remember, they can be really simple and everyday things.
Ps- Our kids already know that we put things in the stocking, too (it isn’t just Santa that does it in our house. We are allowed to add to it before we go to bed- before Santa comes.) So… if they happen to see some of these things ahead of time and then it appears in their stocking or under the tree… its OK, because Santa lets us help! 🙂 He’s nice in that way, you know.
Here are some of my favorite affiliate links to things that we either have added to our kids stockings in the past, or plan on adding this year.
- Play Doh – (Most kids love it and if you don’t want to buy it – you can always make your own.)
- Glow sticks – (Our kids like to make glasses and masks out of these – or use them in forts!)
- Character cups – (Usually under $5)
- Snow Gloves
- slippers to keep their little feet warm
- video games (always a household favorite)
- playing cards (We taught the kids to add using the game 21)
- lock laces (shoe laces in all different colors)
- stickers (great for fun all year long)
- wireless head phones (This is one more for Mom and Dad – perfect for long car rides for vacation)
- silly string
- matchbox cars
- princess wand (Allie’s favorite)
- legos (mini sets can be found for under $5)
- Under Armour socks (Our oldest, Jack, LOVES these)
- underwear
- DVDs
- candy
- pens
- markers
- pencils (These are used all year long)
- crayons
- kids soap (we really love the foam soap!)
- bath drops
- bath pens
- hats
- hair bows (Goes with every one of their outfits)
- play slippers
- sunglasses
- Electric tooth brushes (you can get these for under $5). This is the one that Ethan has:
- coloring book
- homemade coupons (these are great for everyone, It is there way to get out of chores)
- costume jewelry
- pajamas (great to find their favorite characters)
- pick up sticks (I loved this gave as a kid)
- kids tableware
- magazine subscription (Our kids have several of these to Highlights & HighFive & a few others)
- nail polish (Allie’s nails are always painted, yes even Daddy paints her nails)
- temporary tattoos
- toothpaste
- batteries (you can never have enough of these)
- clip on hand sanitizer (Great for on their book bags)
- flash light
- iTunes gift card
- funny straws
- silly scissors
- Gift certificate to Ice cream shop (This one is more for Mommy)
- popcorn with $ taped to it for a movie (You can get one from RedBox for under $2)
- floss sticks
- nail tattoos
For now, we can enjoy helping Santa… because soon enough, our kids will be grown and we will wish for this time once again. In the meantime – here are the 10 things that I want to tell our sons before they are 16.
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