I have been compensated by Johnson‘s® Baby for this post; however, I am sharing my own thoughts. All opinions are my own.
We always keep Johnson‘s® baby wash on hand- we just order it online when we do our Walmart Grocery order. We order all of our groceries and so many other things every Saturday to Walmart. Then, on Sunday we just swing by after church to pick everything up. It is so easy! (Becky even ordered their school supplies using Walmart’s grocery pickup this week. )
So- we had just ordered more Johnson‘s® baby wash and I wanted to share a little #JohnsonsBeautyHack that Becky does every week. I’m so glad that we have discovered it… being the dad of little girls means you have to know these things.
Becky and Allie use their makeup brushes every day… yes, both of them. Allie, 5, has discovered makeup and for her birthday she was gifted a lot of makeup to play with: brush, powder, eye shadow and lip gloss. Yesterday she played in her room for an hour, just playing with her makeup.
And… sometimes… she plays with facepaint:
And the finished result… a super-happy “Ninja”, as she called herself. The baby sister of three big brothers lets her have the best of both worlds: princesses & ninjas – and she’s happy to be either one, any day of the week!
Well, the problem is that since she is playing with this makeup now, we worried about how clean the makeup brushes were. She uses them a lot during the day.
Becky washes her brushes often and replaces them often, but we knew Allie’s would need washed more. Between the makeup, oil, dirt and bacteria – anything can get stuck in the bristles. We wanted to use something that would not irritate her skin, so we decided to try using Johnson‘s® baby wash.
What you need:
- A bowl
- Johnson‘s® Body Wash
- A cloth (lint-free)
Run your brush under lukewarm water to rinse out any makeup that is on there. We try not to get the handle too wet, because it can loosen the glue. In the meantime, Becky fills a bowl with lukewarm water, adding it a capful of the Johnson‘s® body wash.
Dip the brush in the soapy water and swirl it around.
Then swirl the brush in the water and in the palm of your hand, to work up a little more lather. Becky adds a little extra shampoo to the brush if it is covered in makeup.
When you’re done, simply rinse the brush under running water.
If you see makeup running out after a good rinse, repeat the entire process.
We just use a cloth to dab the brush, to get rid of most of the water and then lay it out to dry.
Clean your brushes with Johnson‘s® Body Wash weekly. It is gentle on your face, so it’s the perfect solution. Plus- it’s a great hack, since you already have it in the house for bath time!
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