Welcome back to my series on Remember For Life. This series started from a story that I heard on a radio station that I listen to and it really reminded me of what was important – what our children will remember. If you missed Day One, you can read it here.
If you missed Day Two, you can read it here. It was about focusing on our kids and giving them our full attention.
If you missed Day three, you can read it here. It was about looking at how you treat your spouse, in front of the kids.
If you missed Day four, you can read it here. It is about how to talk to, not yell at, our children.
Today is day 5: How they view family traditions
How important is this? Think of the family traditions you had as a child, do you still do them today? Becky and I love family traditions, and the more the merrier! Our kids love going to the beach for Easter, their “special” nights, spending weekends at the lake. Family traditions are important, because they are predictable involves the family. It is something that they can look forward to, because they know it will happen, with out fail. If you do not have any family traditions, look to start some today, or think of the ones you had as a kid and bring them back!
Here are a few things to remember with traditions:
1- They don’t keep themselves. You need to work at it, but it is important. Maybe it is a special night every Friday or maybe it is going to see a show every Christmas. Whatever it is, it is up to you to keep it, until your kids take over.
2- It is comforting. It is something that you don’t have to think about- you know that it is coming and you look forward to it. I can remember Thanksgiving as my favorite holiday, as a child, because I knew that we would get together with our family. It wasn’t a “maybe we will do this.” It was a “Don’t think twice- we are getting together for some laughs tonight.”
3- Helps you keep strong family ties. This one is pretty obvious, but it keeps you bonded. It keeps your relationships strong.
4- They give your kids a feeling of roots. They keep generations tied together and they keep your family feeling strong and grounded.
5- It is ‘built-in family time’. Kids need this and we, as parents, need it to. A time designated to simply be together.
Start a tradition today- maybe it is a boat ride on the lake every Sunday, a hike in the mountains, or dinner at your parents house. Maybe it is going out for ice cream on the first Saturday of the month or pizza every Friday. Maybe you want to play football every Thanksgiving and buy new pajamas every Christmas eve for a movie night.
Whatever it is – remember that the MEMORY of the tradition is more important than what you do for the tradition, so enjoy it, whatever it is.
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