We love to watch TV as a family. Becky and I will pull out the ice cream, put it in a mug (she and her dad eat their ice cream in a coffee mug), and give one to everyone (yes, we eat ice cream or frozen yogurt or YoNanas every night). We sit down, all squeeze onto one couch, and watch our favorite shows.
I’ve included affiliate links to find them on Amazon.
It is hard to find shows that are appropriate for kids, but entertaining for us, too… but these are our favorites:
1. American Ninja Warrior – not only do we LOVE this show, but we do it. We will go to a playground and try to “climb” the structures, “Scale” the slide, etc…
2. Property Brothers – This is a great one, because it shows how brothers work as a team. They lean on each other and if one fails, the other fails. If one succeeds, they both succeed. (Not to mention that the kids love the ‘building’ part of it and the before/after pictures).
3. The Carbonaro Effect- Michael Carbonaro performs mind-boggling tricks on unsuspecting people in everyday situations, all caught on hidden camera. This is probably our favorite show. The kids love it! (Sometimes the unsuspecting people will let a bad word slip, but the bleep it out on camera)
4. The Wonder Years – You can’t go wrong here. Becky and I watch re-runs of this when we can. Her parents love it, too. It is wholesome, funny and we love it.
5. Survivor shows- We love to watch the survivalist shows. Our kids LOVE them. They want to watch all of them, as often as we can. The kids want to be survivalists, one day (oh- and doctors, vets, football players, swimmers, chefs and we even have a future princess on our hands).
Did you used to watch these with your parents?
My son (3) and I watch The Andy Griffith Show together. He loves it, and it is beyond adorable to hear him playing Andy and Barney with his police cars.
I love it. We live not far from where Andy Griffith was from. We have been wanting to take our kids to the annual festival they hold in Mt.Airy, NC for a while now. I love the old shows, they just make you feel good:)