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This homemade berry sorbet is a favorite in our house! There is nothing better than playing outside with the kids and coming in to have this sorbet (by the way- it drives my wife crazy when I call it sorbet instead of sherbet)
We try to make it at least once a week, when the berries are fresh. We make it as a family (because when we make anything from cookies to Guacamole, everyone wants to help) so its just a little more family time, which is definitely something that the kids need as much as the grown-ups.
My wife and I try to be good examples for our kids. We try to show them that making the healthy choice really isn’t that hard. We go to the gym, we try to drink water, we make healthy choices, but we also indulge and show them that you can do both. It isn’t about losing weight or eating only a certain type of food. It is just about making BETTER choices. Fresh berry sorbet instead of candy ice-cream is one small change. (not to say that we don’t still eat the candy ice cream, too- we do! We just try to have this one more often than the other.) We have four young children watching our every move and we need to show them through example.
This homemade berry sorbet is a great (refreshing) option for our kids and for us, too. Its great for spring and summer.
It is really easy, too!
- 2 cups raspberries
- 2 cups blueberries (you can pick one or the other, just use a full 4 cups instead of 2 and 2)
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup water
DIRECTIONS:Add berries and 1/3 cup water to blender. Puree berries with blender or magic bullet. Strain into a bowl.
- Add in 1/2 cup water
- Add in 1/2 cup sugar
- Mix until combined
- Let it cool in the refrigerator for about 90 minutes.
- Use your ice cream maker (using their directions) and process it for about 30 minutes, until it is the right consistency.
- Let it freeze for 2 hours.
- Store in an airtight container
- Serve in an ice cream cone or cup (we always pick the cone!)Ps- if you are looking for an ice cream maker, this is the one that we like (its the Best Seller on Amazon, too)
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