I know we have all heard the term, ‘It’s the little things that matter the most.‘
If you have kids, you know how true this is! Raising kids can be the toughest thing many of us will ever do. We have the opportunity to take something so small, so fragile, so innocent, and mold it into something that is greater than we could ever imagine. That’s when parenting is at its best.
Everyday we have an opportunity. We have an opportunity to be a good friend, a good sibling, a good son/daughter or to destroy all of our relationships. Now that I have kids, I have an opportunity to become a better person… a better role model… a better Dad.
From an early age our kids are watching what we do.
They learn to eat by watching us.
They learn to smile by watching us.
They learn to talk by hearing us.
They are ALWAYS paying attention to the small things. The things we do subconsciously, and don’t even realize it.
They watch the way you hold your wife’s hand while waiting in line to get some ice cream.
They watch you lose your temper when the person in front of you cuts you off.
They watch the way you talk to others….are you friendly to their face, and then turn around and talk about them behind their back?
Not only are they watching everything thing we do, they are also counting on us to make the right decisions in life. Decisions that also affect them throughout their lives.
We are reminded everyday that our kids count on us for so many things.
They count on us to get them up in the morning, make them breakfast, fix their hair, and help them pick their clothes out for the day.
They trust that we are sending them to a safe place where they can go to learn.
They know that when we tuck them in at night, they can close their little eyes knowing that no scary monsters will be hiding under their beds, knowing that they are protected by us.
They believe all the advice that we give over the years about sports, cooking dinner, fixing cars, and looking for that special person they can spend the rest of their lives with.
These are all things we just do on a daily basis for our kids. Why do we do it? Because our kids want us to… they need us to. As kids they deserve the best version of us. It’s our duty and our role as their parents. We have to remember…THEY matter most!
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