It’s that time of year again. The start of a new school year!
That’s right, school is now in session – It seems like yesterday, we were just planning out summer vacation. Now we are planning schedules, meals and what to wear. Preparing your child for a new school year can be overwhelming – from adjusting to a new routine to packing lunches and figuring out how to stay connected with busy schedules.
Today, I wanted to share how we pack lunches in less than a minute every morning.
No one in our house wants to make lunches for 4 kids every morning- it would take up our whole morning, so we have come up with a better solution. It works for our family and helps us to get out of the door on time. Between getting everyone ready & fed, it can be hard if we don’t use little hacks like this lunch-packing one.
How it works:
We make all of our lunches on Sunday night. Yep- 20 lunches every Sunday night. Making them all at once just makes our day more efficient. It also takes away any stress that may pop up unexpectedly.
So, every Sunday night, we make 20 sandwiches for the week.
A few ideas:
Turkey & Cheese
Ham & Cheese
Turkey & Ham Roll-ups
Pepperoni & Cheese roll-ups
We (all parents and kids) make all of the sandwiches, label the bags and then freeze them.
When school mornings come, they grab one sandwich from the freezer and put it into their lunch box. It is thawed by lunchtime and it keeps the other food cold.
Once they grab their lunches, they are free to get the rest of their food from the pantry- we keep it in an Organizer:
It’s important that the kids are helping out, as well, by packing their own lunches in the mornings. We just provide the right choices, so they can’t go wrong.
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