Becky and I have 3 ONLINE parenting safety rules we will not go back on… Our kids are young right now: 9, 7, 5 and 3. We put these rules into place now so our kids will not know any difference when they are a few years older. Our rules will be their norm. Today I’ve partnered with GetSafeAcademy to share our ideas with you.
I do not want our kids to ever charge their phones in their rooms. I know that when our kids are tweens/teens, they will probably get texts from friends (it is starting already at age 9) and I know that the ones that I shouldn’t be seeing will happen late at night. For that reason, phones, laptops and other electronics go into our room at bedtime and stay there all night.
3- Monitor what they do... and tell them that I am monitoring it. I want to know every click, swipe and button that they press, so we use a monitoring tool that lets us track what they are doing. We can see it on our computer/phone to check in to be sure that they aren’t going to make any poor choices now that will haunt them later. I hope that I don’t need to look, but I will make a habit of it, because I want them to understand that we want to make sure that they are making good choices. The decisions that they make now can make an impact on the rest of their lives, so until they are responsible enough to make them alone, we will be watching and helping.
If you aren’t sure where to begin, I suggest taking this mini course for parents of teens and tweens. It is taught by a former NCIS Special Agent and the Co-founder of a private social media platform. These moms have formed Get Safe Academy to empower parents everywhere. ONLY AVAILABLE THRU 3/01/16- SO OPT IN NOW!
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