After training Goldendoodle puppies, we’ve learned a thing or two. Obviously, teaching an old dog new tricks is no easy feat, but if you are patient with your dog, they can learn so many things. We’re always amazed when our kids show us a new trick that they’ve taught our 1-year-old & 5-year-old Goldendoodles. It’s like the old saying goes- try and you will succeed.
Now, hindsight is 20/20, so I’d like to tell you that the best thing really is to teach your dog from the beginning that begging is not allowed; of course, it’s harder than it looks. Our four kids, and my wife, just have to take one look at their faces before they give in & pass them a treat. However, you can If you’re having trouble training your dog not to beg, follow these simple steps, and you can turn your dog’s behavior around.
How to Get Your Dog to Stop Begging
- Stop rewarding your dog’s bad behavior by giving in. This is the hardest, but also the most important one. If you give your dog a reward like a scrap from your plate, the dog begins to associate something good (food) with the behavior of begging and will continue to beg for as long as you are willing to share. Once you ignore your dog begging, it is likely it will howl and bother you even more than before. Do not give in. They will learn.
- Take your dog for a long walk every day. Our trainer once told us that the reason our puppy was chewing on everything was out of boredom, so we walked him more & bought him chew toys. It worked. A tired dog is less likely to put up a big fight when it comes to begging, and even less likely to cause problems when you ignore its behavior.
- When you sit down to eat, you can stomp your foot when the dog begins to beg. The idea is to startle the dog, not scare it; don’t strike the dog – violence with animals does not work for training.
- Feed your dog at the same time that the family sits down to eat, but put the dog’s food in another room. This will keep the dog occupied while you’re eating, and make the dog eat its own food at dinner time instead of yours. You can try putting your dog in another room with a toy or pig’s ear to keep him or her occupied while you sit down to eat.
- Be consistent. Your whole household has to be in on the training or it won’t work. Also, be wary of guests, make sure that you tell them you’re trying to train your dog not to beg and not to give it any treats.
- When you’re done eating you can reward your dog if it didn’t beg during the meal by praising them and giving them a treat at that point, but away from the table.
Why Teaching Your Dog Not to Beg is Important
There is a reason why dogs shouldn’t eat human food. A lot of the things that we eat aren’t suitable for dogs, and can actually make them sick. Also, when you’re slipping the dog bites of your food and feeding him or her dog food, there is no way to tell how much it’s actually eating. Dogs become overweight and unhealthy and can have health complications as they age. Your dog can also suffer from recurring intestinal problems from eating spicy and fatty foods.
All in all, remember that your dog loves you for your attention, not for your food. Don’t let the food that you eat end up in their bowl. It’s not healthy for them and you can find other ways to give them a treat.
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