Last week, Becky emailed me this song, with a little note that said “Happy (almost) Father’s Day. Thanks to you for making me a mom and thanks to ALL of our babies for making you a dad.”
Today I want to thank our babies (even though they aren’t really babies anymore) for making me a dad. When a baby is born, a dad is born. This Father’s Day, Pampers celebrates that incredible feeling little ones bring to the hearts of dads through unconditional love. I have partnered with Life of Dad and Pampers for this promotion.
Here are 10 things that I never thought I would do, before I had kids
1- Eat a meal in under a minute, standing.
2- Cheer when someone burped.
3- Let my kids watch more than 20 minutes of TV a day.
4- Become something that I wasn’t…
This #ThanksBaby video by Pampers pretty much says it all: it captures the amazing relationship that is created between a dad and his baby when a baby is born… I knew that I had to share it because it shows the wonderful journey of fatherhood begins.
5- Talking about myself in third person: “Daddy loves you!”
6- Talk about my kids to everyone that I meet (“Look. Look at this one. This is where he put spaghetti on his head and laughed for like five minutes)
7- Feel the need to announce that I was going to take a shower… and then announce it again… and then ask everyone “Where am I going to be if anyone needs me?”
9- Read the same story 40 times.
10- Love anyone as much as I love our kids.
That’s why I like working with Pampers. They honor dads for just being dads and thanks them for all the amazing things, big and small, they do to help little ones have a better, loving, more fulfilling life.
Join me by tweeting why you are most thankful for baby with the hashtag #ThanksBaby.
For more than 50 years, moms and dads have trusted Pampers to care for their babies’ happy, healthy development. Pampers offers a complete range of diapers, wipes and training pants designed to provide protection and comfort for every stage.
Visit to learn more about Pampers products, join the Pampers Rewards program, and find ideas and information to help your baby get the most out of love, sleep and play. Find them on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram or YouTube.
Nice work! I think I’ve done most of those things also, and definitely didn’t think I would before I was a dad.
I am sure we will have many more things as they get older. Thats whats great about being a parent, the unknown.